Vanilla flower of salt from 19.00€
Vanilla flower of salt from 19.00€
Fleur de sel with lime from 10.50€
Fleur de sel with lime from 10.50€
Fleur de sel with roasted spices from 11.00€
Fleur de sel with roasted spices from 11.00€
Guérande flower of salt from 8.00€
Guérande flower of salt from 8.00€
Seaweed salt from 11.00€
Seaweed salt from 11.00€
Persian blue salt from 13.50€
Persian blue salt from 13.50€
Sel cachemire from 5.00€
Sel cachemire from 5.00€
Newfoundland sea salt from 8.00€
Newfoundland sea salt from 8.00€
Juniper-smoked sea salt from 10.50€
Juniper-smoked sea salt from 10.50€
Salt of the rotisseur from 4.50€
Salt of the rotisseur from 4.50€
Sel maldon angleterre from 8.00€
Sel maldon angleterre from 8.00€
Sel maldon smoked from 7.00€
Sel maldon smoked from 7.00€
Smoked viking salt from 11.00€
Smoked viking salt from 11.00€
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